Happy New Year 2025

Happy New Year 2025!!!  

The end of 2024 causes us to reflect on how quickly the days slip from our grasp and how each moment is important.  Thank you “sew” much for your support and encouragement through the past year.  We cherish the connections with you and love to be a part in the special projects you create.  

As a New Year stretches out before us, we all have resolutions/promises/goals to finish projects already started.  Announcing the “2nd Saturday Sew Day” beginning Jan 11, and every 2nd Saturday after. No charge, no reservations (unless it gets too cozy), come sew anytime 9-3pm.  One of our team will be available for assistance and Carolyn may be convinced to share her binding tricks.  We’re issuing a challenge to finish 12 projects in 2025, details at the shop.  Let’s get those projects checked off your list and make it fun as well!!!